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Slalom ACM

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:18 pm
by Canadian Paddler
I will (as previously) post the motions as threads

The first motion is a ‘tidying’ motion, standardising terminology. This motion is not thought to be contentious so is marked 75 / 25 and will be handled under regulation 5.9 (page 190) and voted on immediately. If the motion receives 75% support it will be immediately adopted, if it fails to receive 25% support it is immediately lost. If the motion gains support of between 25% and 75% it will be debated.

At the 2014 ACM, a motion was passed to introduce Portable Points. There are three motions relating to this, one to reverse this motion and not introduce portable points, one to defer to the next ACM and one to refine the actual rules proposed. In order to allow a fuller of this reversing motion, and to promote understanding of the impact of Portable points, I have attached two, 1-page summaries of the impacts of portable points, one written for paddlers, the other for organisers, and a list of the proposed rule changes. The Committee urges you to read these documents, and ask any remaining questions before the meeting so that any debate can be informed and reasoned. It is intended to have a single debate for all three motions, and then put the motions to the floor individually.

We will be meeting at the British Canoeing building in Nottingham. The British Canoeing building is at the far end of the car park. There are limited tea and coffee facilities. In particular, there may be a shortage of mugs, so please bring your own.

Electronic Paper work
As a cost control and sustainable approach, we are reducing the amount of paper being produced for the ACM. As previously agreed we are distributing the ACM Agenda reports and proposed calendar electronically. Please ensure that you print and bring with you any paper work you require at the meeting.

Notes on the conduct of Consultative Meetings
• Votes to which a registered Club are entitled must be held by one of the nominated representatives of that Club. Representatives must be full members of their National Association. Please bring your CE / CW / SCA / CANI membership card with you.
• A Club that is unable to be represented at a Consultative Meeting may vote by proxy as defined in the regulation 6.7. Proxy forms will be have been made available with the Agenda papers, or may be found on the committee pages of
• Representatives who leave the meeting may assign votes or proxy votes to the Chair or other named person with voting instructions by using the procedure used in proxy voting.
• All votes must be cast in accordance with Club instructions. In the case of amendments and amended motions, the person holding the vote shall use it according to her / his instructions. The instructions may give discretion to the person using the vote in any situation. Where there is no discretion given the proxy may not vote on amendments or amended motions
• A motion to suspend a specific, or all Standing Orders, or to change a regulation requires a two thirds majority of votes (excluding proxy votes) to succeed.

Before the ACM please ensure your Club’s Affiliation to CE / CW / SCA / CANI is current. If you are unsure, contact your National Association.

I look forward to seeing you to the meeting.

Colin Woodgate
Hon Secretary – Slalom Committee

Re: Slalom ACM

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 8:15 am
by paddlerparent
Read all of the motions for the ACM, but cant see anything about managing the size of Div1 or how to ensure that Div1 events are not oversubscribed

Looking at the numbers:
.........Promoted from Div2.......Promoted to Prem.......Additional paddlers in Div1
K1W....... 26........................ 8..........................18
K1M....... 44.........................21.........................23
C1M........15........................ 8...........................7

Therefore 60 paddlers extra in Div1 - so what happens now, is the process to demote paddlers with less than say 1000 points? if so then there will still be as many as the start of last season which meant DIv1 was over subscribed.

There were a number of posts last season talking ways of coming up with ideas such as 'If the number is 42 what is the question' and 'Divisional re jig 2015'.

So the point of this post is to ask what is being done if anything re the size of Div1?

Re: Slalom ACM

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:00 am
by Nick Penfold
I put proposals to the Committee on end of year demotions - and, rarely, promotions.
Yes, we are likely to demote from Div 1 paddlers with less than 1000 points. According to my first estimates, that will make Div 1 a little smaller than it was for the start of 2015.
I am considering a proposal that we promote a smallish number of the top Div 1s to Prem.
The overall reduction in the size of Div 1, compared to 2015, would then be around 10%. That doesn't sound a lot, but it was only a similar-sized increase in numbers that triggered this year's oversubscriptions.
At the end of the day, though, we ought to be finding ways of creating more opportunities to race, not suppressing demand.

Re: Slalom ACM

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:13 pm
by ZakFranklin
Not sure if this is the right place to put this but re-jigging the size of Div 1 to my mind is one of the most important considerations going into next season, my concern with demoting paddlers under 1000 points is that there a number of paddlers who were only able to race once or twice and could not race more because of the full races, not sure if it is the best idea for the future of the sport to demote these paddlers.

I do think increasing the size of Prem will help (and won't be an issue as there is a significant ability overlap), however I think increasing the number of athletes that can race div 1 races by removing free practice is probably the best solution longer term as the problem will just continue and increase with the success of the TID programs in place at the moment :) .

Re: Slalom ACM

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:59 pm
by Canadian Paddler
The ACM papers are all available on line now Please consider
  • Are you happy that other people vote on these motions and you have no input
    If not get your club to decide their stance and either:
    come along
    or complete a proxy form with instructions on how to vote for you
If you are not represented do not complain about the results.

Re: Slalom ACM

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:40 pm
by djberriman
I don't see how removing free practice would open up any addition race entries in Div 1 as I can't remember a Div 1 with free practice on race day.

If you mean remove official practice then I would be against this as we would then have to remove all free practice leading up to the event once the course is up to be fair to all paddlers. Many paddlers in Div 1 and Div 2 have limited opportunities to paddle on div 1 grade water between events if at all. Thus free and official practice makes a big difference to them, particularly those paddlers who are attempting a paddle up.

On the point of demotions I'd suggest that paddlers scores should be averaged/multiplied up thus a paddler with 800 points from one event would not be demoted as has happened in the past.


(800/1) *5 = 4000
(1500/5) *5 = 1500
(600/3) * 5 = 1000

Thus you take their best 5 results total, divide it by the number of results and multiply by 5.

Re: Slalom ACM

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:21 pm
by Canadian Paddler
Recent mailing out to the mailing list via Mail Chimp (stripped of logos etc)
Minutes of Recent Meetings.
Please find attached links to:
1. The minutes of the recent 2015 British Canoeing Annual Slalom Consultative Meeting ... inutes.pdf
2. The Integrated Working Party proposals ... g_2015.pdf
3. The minutes of the British Canoeing Slalom Committee meetimg held the day after the ACM ... nutes.pdf
You have been sent the documents as your club registered an interest in slalom in the previous few years. You will not be sent further minutes / circulations unless you re register for the 2016 season. So I have also attached a link to the registration form. ... n_Form.pdf

If you registerd in 2015 or 2016 your name, and agreed contract details will be in the slalom year book. If you have not registered an interest, since 2015 you will be omitted from the year book, and will not get minutes by email.

Thank you for your interest, and I wish you a Happy Christmas

Colin Woodgate
Hon Secretary British Canoeing Slalom Committee
Let me know if you want to be added to the list. If your club has not registered, or you thought they had, with you as the rep, and did not get the email, chase round and get the registration form completed.

Happy Christmas