DRAFT, PROVISIONAL Managed Calendar 2006 - Thanks to Jim Croft for his work

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Angry Student

Post by Angry Student » Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:48 pm

Can't believe Tullys been changed. Checked at school and I dont finish til 7th so no chance.

Mr Fifty
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Post by Mr Fifty » Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:56 pm

:) Changing the subject from Tully, I am looking forward to the Div 2/3/4 events at Bala Mill in April and September i hope they have the course above the falls again it was one of my favourites the old Div 4/5 course below the falls was good too. It must be ten years since i last went there and i cant wait to return. Bang on!

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jim croft
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Post by jim croft » Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:57 pm

A lot of schools go back on the 18th April and therefore a lot of youngsters would have been unable to race at the Selection event if the events had stayed as they were. By moving the events I believe the majority of youngsters will be able to spend the week at Grandtully for training, albeit some will have to travel on the 7th and others a dash back after the last event. If anybody thinks they have a better solution PLEASE PLEASE let me know



Post by Guest » Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:37 pm



Post by Guest » Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:58 pm

We would all like to do all the races, but this is not going to be possible, is it, with so many conflicts of interest?

Selection appears to be the crucial factor for many of those involved, and nobody has pointed out that moving the Tryweryn Selection race one week forward will cause similar problems for those whose holidays begin on the 8th April, (albeit without the problem of distance for most – Scottish paddlers excepted of course).

My solution would be as follows:

Tryweryn selection – leave as before on 8th & 9th April (middle of holidays for the south, the start for everyone else, so presumably OK?)

Tully selection – move to the Easter weekend (April 15th /16th) with the Prem Double (again, within holidays for everyone, even better those “older” people in the prem who work might get a chance to paddle beforehand!!!)

Tully Pan-Celtic & Div 1 & 2 – move to April 22nd/23rd (a straight swap with the prem)

This brings two of the three selection weekends within school holidays for EVERYONE, and has surely got to be the best solution. What about it Jim?

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Post by Anne » Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:54 pm

If we did as the last suggestion most people would have gone home by the pan celtic and a lot of div 2/3 paddlers would also have gone home - so a waste of time running and not financially viable for the organiser. Funny how the majority of those who were quite happy with the origional format kept quiet and only now start shouting. This format is as it always has been in the past, a late Easter means the week before and Easter weekend in Scotland. at the end of the day we will never please everyone. The calendar as you all know is not ratified until the ACM and nothing should be set in stone until then. It is not ideal having so many races on the trot but it generally happens at this time of the year. Jim is trying his best but if someone can do better please volunteer at the ACM.


Post by Guest » Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:59 pm

Most people DO stay quiet if they're happy. Doesn't the reaction to the latest changes foisted on us say everything?

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Post by Anne » Tue Nov 08, 2005 6:08 pm

This is a chat line therefore both points of view need to be aired otherwise the discussion becomes one sided, how about a few positive comments, no good just keeping quiet otherwise no one knows you are happy with the arrangements.

andy n
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Post by andy n » Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:17 pm

Thought I'd come on-line and post my views - I see many are ahead of me! How many others have already booked their holidays and accommodation based on the original dates? A great number from our club have done so and some cannot now change. The dates have been available for quite some time so why have "The South" only recently spoken up?

Shouldn't organising clubs be choosing when they wish to run events and not have a few junior selection paddlers dictating dates. Over the years Rob and Lizzie had to take time out of school to be at the important races - it has always happened because of the nature of holiday patterns across GB.

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Post by ElaineF » Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:40 pm

Being one of the 'Southerners' (seems odd to be saying that as a Geordie born and bred) who posted earlier .. I would point out that my post only stated fact, it did not ask for the race dates to change on my account.

Seedy Paddler
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Post by Seedy Paddler » Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:41 pm

Time to express some Credit to Jim and Anne for their efforts, the Calendar will never please all the people but in general much is forecastable as it keeps with past traditions. The argument on selection is a red herring the spread of event means that there will be events outwith school holidays. It also has to be noted that in some cases the proposed dates are set to ensure sufficient support to make the event sustainable by the organisers. My local schools are from 31/03 to 18/04, so Tryweryn is already outwith Scottish schools.

It could also be noted that the European Juniors are on during Scottish Term Time, hence any suggestion that our local kids should head off to Nottingham to see some action and assist may lead to criminal prosecution (Unauthorised Absence (Truancy)). Still would wish Anne all the best and hope we can be kept updated via Web and TV.

Trust the ACM will endorse the most excellent work undertaken by Jim (he even managed to include our late change in organiser and the addition of a Div 3 event - many thanks).

From another old f@*t who has spent too many years in the game and is turning Victor Meldrew

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Post by Geebs » Tue Nov 08, 2005 11:25 pm

Hear Hear to the last post.

My only concern is looking at the date's is how many events there are within one month for the Div1/Prem, especially in March and April, I think either bank balances will take a hammering or the events will not be well supported with them being so close together, lets face it most people have only just recovered from Christmas spending by then.

You can not blame the slalom committee for the dates they can only publish the information given to them by the club's.

I hope that some of the clubs after seeing the new calendar may look at changing some dates to give a bit of spread.

Perhaps the 25/26 March date at HPP could move to 27/28 May? this would also help out the Sowerby Bridge organisers that rely on local support to run their event especially with it been so close geographically, only a thought to give people a break.
Paddle fast,,,Paddle safe Yorkshire Canoe Coaching


Post by Guest » Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:16 am

This is getting silly. Is there any chance of the original (pre southern intervention, which apparently suited most) calender being reinstated or can we assume that the southern few will have their way?

People need to book leave, etc, before it's too late. Waiting for the ACM is not an option for many, as Andy says there are many who have had to book leave/accomodation already and cannot now change.


Post by Guest » Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:37 am

I agree it is getting out of hand. Can we see a final proposal that will go to the ACM?

Midlands Guest

Post by Midlands Guest » Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:33 am

Hi - I was happy with the old calendar, I didn't say anything at the time because I didn't know you had to express enthusiasm, just thought it looked OK. I have already booked my leave and accommodation for the original week. I know you perhaps should wait for the final final calendar to be ratified, but unable to do so when trying to book a popular time off work in competition with other colleagues, and ensure that reasonably priced accommodation is available.
Our children don't break up until 7th April. :(

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