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Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:17 pm
by Mrs H
Sorry everyone the elements have beaten us again. Unfortunately HPP is backed up to the looping pool and has been steadily rising over the last 2 days and is continuing to rise. We had hoped it would settle and start receeding but as the rain has continued that has not happened.

The weather forcast is also pretty poor for the weekend including gale force winds (not fun at HPP) and into next week so please keep an eye on the web site for info on next weeks race. Those who have not entered next week but would like to paddle are welcome to do so, still time to enter.

Also fun race on Sunday afternood thanks to the traders who are bringing along short boats for you to try out.

Don't forget the awards evening on Sat night, Etienne has worked really hard to get this off the ground, if you have said you are going please send him the money, if you havn't decided hurry up and do so it should be a good night and tickets limited. Lets all celebrate a wonderful year for slalom.

Hope to see you there.

Again sorry about this weekends race, particularly to those who just might have made promotion or picked up an end of year trophy.

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:01 pm
by Vicky Richards
I am in germany at the moment, and will not get back until next week, however if the race is re-sceduled to next weekend, I would like to enter.
Could you please just put my name down for it if the decision is made to run the prem? and I will send a proper entry ASAP